What customers are saying about Thermatech

  • "has more then paid for itself"

    "The ThermaTech insulation system that we utilized on the construction of our new house has more than paid for itself. Our utility bills for keeping this place cool during the summer were surprisingly low... especially when compared to the other homes that our family built at the same time on this property, all of which used more traditional insulation methods. And during this cold snap, when we had (and are still having) energy blackouts, every one of our relatives on this property came to our house to get warm. Our large fireplace keeps our living area very comfortable, and when we lose our electricity, the temperature deviation is probably less than 5 degrees. We love our house, and it is comforting to know from experience how well it performs in protecting us from the elements. I just thought that you might enjoy knowing how the system you designed works when tested in severe real-life conditions. "

    Cockrell Family Home

  • "everything has increased, everything but our energy bills"

    "Since moving into our new home in 2019, it seems everything has increased, everything but our energy bills. Your ThermaTech Panels, I believe are the direct result of our extremely low energy costs. Our home has 3200 sqft of air-conditioned living space and stays a consistent 71 degrees with very little fluctuation even during peak high and low outside temps. Our average monthly electric bill is $85 a month. As a direct result of your panels, we experienced savings in other areas as well. Instead of requiring 2 AC systems as would normally be required in a home our size we are able to heat & cool with one unit. That alone was a significant savings in build cost, not having to purchase and install the second system. In addition, we heat with natural gas and our monthly Natural Gas bill averages around $25 month. We can't express enough how glad we are that we chose your ThermaTech wall panel system for the construction of our new home. It has already paid for any additional cost above that of traditional framing methods & will continue to pay for the life of the home & throughout our retirement."

    Henry Family Home

  • "using Thermatech panels was one of the best decisions I made"

    "Using ThermaTech Panels was one of the best decisions I made for my 2nd story remodel. I wish I could have used them for my entire house as if I was building from the ground up. It's by far the best building structure material you can build with. Not only is it cost-effective compared to traditional wood framing structures, but there are so many benefits that it really is a no-brainer. My plumbers and electricians had no problem adjusting and doing what they needed to do. Wayne and Mike with Thermatech were fantastic to work with and the customer service was superb. My electric bill is $30 for a 5100 square foot home thanks to the combination of my solar roof and the insulation of the panels. It's a comfortable temperature all the time and my AC units rarely come on. This is the future and I highly recommend exploring this amazing product for your project."

    Wilco Family Home

  • "has been the most cost effective way we could have built our beautiful home!"

    Our Thermatech Eco Home with TBS panels is state of the art not only in design and efficiency, but also opens a whole new door to the DIY builder!!! Our neighbors were shocked at how quickly it went up. The efficiency of the home is incredible!!! When we had a cold front move in, we were still in the construction phase, the outside temperature dropped to -1; however, the inside temperature never dropped below 40 degrees even with no heat running in the house! My husband was so impressed with how the walls had built in channeling for the electrical wiring, which made it easy to install all of our electrical outlets and wiring. Now that we are in the home we only have to use a small gas heater to heat the entire 1,320 square foot cabin! From start to finish, the Thermatech Eco Home, has been the most cost effective way we could have built our beautiful home! We highly recommend Thermatech Building Solutions LLC!!!

    clark family home

  • coming soon!

  • coming soon!